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By Quentin Rosso
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Tournaments & Score System

What are Gamercraft Ladder Tournaments Gamercraft Ladder Tournaments are tournaments that are scored base off of your performance in your ranked games. All you have to do is sign up to the Gamercraft Ladder you wish to compete in and play ranked games as your normally would! From there, our system automatically calculates your scores and updates your standing on the Ladder. How are Gamercraft Ladder Tournaments seeded? Gamercraft ladders are seeded by ladder performance and not by rank. This means that you can be seeded against players of all different ranks but they will be players who have similar performance levels in ladders. How do I register for a Ladder Tournament On the web app: Ladders > Browse the Ladder you want to join > Register What if there is a tie in my League of Legends ladder? If there is a tie in your League of Legends ladder, there are two tiebreaker methods: 1. The higher number of total kills will break the tie. If these numbers are the same, then method two will be used. 2. The higher total KDA and CS will break the tie. Valorant Scoring System Overview The next evolution of our scoring system is all about helping you climb and become the best version of yourself. With the vision of most comprehensively capturing your contribution to win the game, the new Gamercraft Score looks at the game's most important micro and macro aspects. Ranging from 0 to 100, the scoring model combines several sub-scores, each centered around one aspect of the game. This new iteration aligns more closely with our mission of converting your gaming talent and skills into value. The Gamercraft Score — how it works The Gamercraft Score is a composite score based on your in-game performance. It's built to most holistically capture your contribution to your team's victory, allowing each role, each champion, each tier, and — more globally — each team composition and playstyle to compete and have the same chances. We measure your performance in relation to your team and opponents and your specific role. Is it possible to reach 100 points? Yes, it is possible, and you don’t need to be a pro to achieve it. You need to have a perfect Valorant game where you contribute to every aspect and move your team forward to victory. What does the KDA sub-score measure? The function of this scoring category is to capture how your performance influenced the game's outcome and how measured you were in securing kills and preventing deaths. Strategically, we do not measure KDA linearly. A game with 15 Kills, 1 Death, and 5 Assists does not mean you will get 20 KDA points in our scoring system. We compare your own KDA with your opponent’s and the rest of your team to measure how impactful your kills, deaths, and assists were in securing the win. A high KDA score means that you were the top contributor of kills and assists to your team and did not die too often, as dying too much negatively affects the score, even if your ratio is still high. Lastly, it is important to remember that KDA scores are specific to the game our system measures. Having a higher KDA from one game to another does not mean you get higher points for that latest game. It is relative to your teammate's and opponent's own KDA ratios. What does the ADR sub-score measure? - Measures and rates the average damage you do per round, compared to all teammates’ and opponents’ ADR. What does the ACR sub-score measure? - Measures your overall combat rating by considering your damage done, kills, multi-kills, and non-damaging assists. - Compared to all teammates’ and opponents’ ACR What does the Frag Rating sub-score measure? - It measures the quality and importance of your kills: Headshot percentage, First Bloods, Multi Kill rounds (3K+) - The two most important things in our equation are: Are you the most precise in the game? Did you make important kills? - We then compare your frag rating to your teammates and opponents What does the Econ Rating sub-score measure? - Measures the efficiency of the damage you deal compared to the amount of gold spent. The more damage you deal with less gold, the better your score. - The well-known formula for Econ rating: Damages / Spending - This is compared with all of your opponents and teammates. The Gamercraft Score In this article 1. Overview 2. The Gamercraft Score — how it works 3. Key Points 4. F.A.Q Overview The next evolution of our scoring system is all about helping you climb and become the best version of yourself. With the vision of most comprehensively capturing your contribution to destroying the enemy nexus, the new Gamercraft Score looks at the game's most important micro and macro aspects. Ranging from 0 to 100, the scoring model combines several sub-scores, each centered around one aspect of the game. This new iteration aligns more closely with our mission of converting your gaming talent and skills into value. The Gamercraft Score — how it works The Gamercraft Score is a composite score based on your in-game performance. It's built to most holistically capture your contribution to your team's victory, allowing each role, each champion, each tier, and — more globally — each team composition and playstyle to compete and have the same chances. We measure your performance in relation to your team and opponents and the specific role you're playing. Sub-scoreDescription KDA - sum of kills, deaths, and assists to measure the positive and negative impacts you had on fights. Kill Participation - How active you were in helping your team secure kills. Life Points - A composite score of damage done, healing, shielding, and tanking relative to deaths. Farming - Your farming performance relative to your rank, opponents, and teammates Vision - A measurement of your awareness and how much information you gather Objectives - A measurement of your contribution in securing objectives for you and your team It is important to note that some sub-scores are balanced depending on role: KP, KDA, Objectives, Vision. For instance, we are expecting a bit more from a jungler in terms of objectives, and we expect a lot more vision effort from support than for other roles. We have put a lot of effort and experimentation to ensure that all 5 roles have similar average scores (and more generally a similar score distribution). As time passes, we will constantly be keeping an eye on this to ensure fairness. However, the same cannot be said about champions: some are stronger, some are weaker, and all that will also evolve with patches. Support Weights To ensure Supports can compete and have even chances at taking the top prize, they are not scored on farming. They also receive a Vision and Objectives buff specifically aimed at capturing a Support's contribution to destroying the nexus. Key Points - Transparency — We do not want this new evolution to be seen as a black-box-type of system, where only we know what's behind the scoring system. We will - We're also working on a Chrome extension that will allow you to easily visualize the Gamercraft score of your (and your friend's) Gamercraft Scores on all of the main stat and analytics websites. - Intuitiveness — While you won't be able to calculate your score beforehand like in previous versions, this evolution will feel more intuitive, more accurately reflecting your performance. - Incentives — This evolution is all about incentivizing you to be more strategic and mindful of the game's meta and your micro and macro skills. It was designed to help you climb and showcase the areas where you need to improve. In Gamercraft's competitive setting, it will also help you identify winning strategies depending on the game's meta. F.A.Q Is it possible to reach 100 points or 200 points? Yes it is and no need to be a pro to achieve it. You need to have a perfect League of Legends game where you contribute on every aspect and move your team forward to victory. Does any role have a substantial scoring advantage on others? We aim at making the most balanced scoring system properly reflecting your in-game performance and League of Legends meta changes. As of now, we have not found any substantial advantage of one role over others. Here is latest analysis performed by our data science team on over 10 000 participations: What does the KDA sub-score measure? The function of this scoring category is to capture how your performance influenced the outcome of the game and how measured you were in securing kills and preventing deaths. Strategically, we do not measure KDA linearly. A game with 15 Kills, 1 Death, and 5 Assists does not mean you will get 20 KDA points in our scoring system. We compare your own KDA with your opponent’s and the rest of your team to measure how impactful were your kills, deaths, and assists to securing the win. A high KDA score means that you were the top contributor of kills and assists to your team and did not die too many times as dying too much negatively affects the score even if your ratio is still high. Lastly, it is important to remember that KDA scores are specific to the game our system is measuring. Having a higher KDA from one game to another does not mean you get higher points for that latest game. It is relative to your teammate's and opponent's own KDA ratios. Exceptions are made for those with zero deaths in a game. Instead of the standard KDA ratio of (Kills + Deaths)/Assists, the KDA formula for players with zero deaths is (Kills +Assists) x 1.2. What does the Life Points sub-score measure? Life Points is an aggregate of damage, healing, tanking (damage taken), and shielding. All of these areas are not placed on the same scale. Damage dealt is worth less than healing and tanking. And that’s because dealing damage is easier than healing and shielding. Tanking, however, is a bit trickier as we do not want to reward those who int or die the most. A good tanking score is when a champion is able to absorb damage, be on the front line in team fights, and preserve their life and that of their teammates. Absorbing damage and dying a lot is penalized and reduces the tanking score. The Life Points Score: We grab your Life Points aggregate and compare it to your opponent’s and team’s LPs. The ultimate goal of Life Points is to capture how the damage, healing, shielding, and tanking you dealt helped you gain an advantage over your opponents. A high Life Points score means that you were among the players that dealt the most damage, or/and healed the most, or/and managed to protect your health points efficiently. Every champion and play-style is rewarded by this score. What does the Kill Participation sub-score measure? For this category, we measure how good is your kill participation compared to your own teammates and the average kill participation for your skill level. A high KP score means that your KP % was among the highest in your team. Specialty Scores is a new category that reflects your skills in specific aspects of the game, unique to your champion and role. Each score is designed to give you a new way to compete and showcase your abilities. By focusing on your strengths and improving your Specialty Scores, you can take your game to the next level and beat your division. Crowd Control (CC) Mastery Crowd Control (CC) Mastery measures the total CC duration inflicted on enemies, frequency of CC application, and its impact on key objectives and teamfights. Its game-long impact ranges from early lane control to late-game teamfight disruption. For example, a Leona who consistently locks down priority targets in early skirmishes, controls mid-game objective fights with well-timed stuns, and peels for carries in late-game sieges is bound to get maximum points. Dueling Prowess Dueling Prowess evaluates success in 1v1 and 1v2 situations, including CS leads, favorable trades, and solo kills. Its game-long impact extends from laning phase dominance to late-game split-pushing threat. To get a high score, aim to win as many duels as possible by outplaying your opponent, and don't be afraid to take risks and make aggressive plays if its safe to duel. For example, a Fiora who wins her lane through smart trades, creates constant side lane pressure mid-game, and can threaten a 1v1 against anyone in late-game teamfights exemplifies high Dueling Prowess. Ganking Efficiency Ganking Efficiency assesses successful ganks, countergank prevention, and overall map pressure created. It's all about your Jungling ability to roam and make plays across the map. To get a high score, focus on setting up successful ganks by coordinating with your teammates and timing your attacks to catch your opponents off guard. For example, a Lee Sin who secures early leads for his laners, transitions this advantage to control neutral objectives mid-game, and finds crucial picks in the late game to open up Baron or Elder Dragon opportunities demonstrates high Ganking Efficiency. Teamfight Impact Team Fight Impact measures damage dealt/mitigated, CC applied, positioning, and game-changing ultimates in teamfights. To get a high score, participate in team fights frequently and focus on dealing damage and securing kills without dying yourself. Make sure to also coordinate with your team to take objectives and control the battlefield. For example, an Orianna who zones enemies off objectives early, turns mid-game skirmishes with well-placed shields and slows, and lands game-winning Shockwaves in late-game teamfights would score highly in this category. Early Game Dominance Early Game Dominance evaluates advantages gained in the first 15 minutes, including CS, kills, objectives, and vision control. To get a high score, focus on farming efficiently, trading effectively with your opponent, and taking advantage of any opportunities to secure kills or objectives in the early game. For example, a Draven who not only dominates his lane but also rotates for early Drake fights, pressures mid-tower, and transitions his lead into a commandeering presence in mid- and late-game team fights exemplifies Early-Game Dominance. How We Use Your Specialty Scores Our system calculates your performance in all five categories throughout the game, then selects and averages your top two Specialty Scores. This approach recognizes your unique strengths, whether you're a well-rounded player or a phase specialist. Your final Specialty Score is incorporated into your overall game score, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of your impact from the first minion to the last Nexus hit. What does the Farming sub-score measure? The Farming category measures your overall farming efficiency in relation to your team, your opposing laner and opposing team. Getting a high farm score means that your cs/min was higher than your opponent's and that you were among the top farmers on your team. Note: Supports are not scored on farming. Quick tip: How to get the highest farm score? You will need the highest farm score in your team and at least a farm score 20% higher than the second highest farm score in the team. What does the Vision sub-score measure? The vision sub-score is very simple: it tracks your warding across early, mid, and late game. Placing pink wards, minimizing the time of active wards in your inventory, and negating vision all contribute to the vision sub-score. Given that supports will naturally place more wards and negate vision, we expect more of them in comparison to other roles. This does not mean that the other four roles will be at a disadvantage as they are measured differently. Since it’s a core duty of the support, it represent a higher contribution to the total score for them. As a Support, a high vision score means being the main vision provider for the team and getting a higher vision score than the opposition. As a non-Support, a high vision score means contributing fairly to your team’s vision and ensuring it is as high as it can be. What does the Objectives sub-score measure? The objectives sub-score consider kills and assists in taking towers, inhibitors, dragons, heralds, and barons. Those are global objectives, and not giving them the same importance would lead to privileged playstyles. Damage to objectives is ignored, since it would favor some champions over others, or influence item choices. Damage dealt to objectives that were not taken in the end does not count either. A high objectives score means that you actively contributed to securing objectives for your team, and that your team dominated the enemy team in terms of objectives. The higher your participation to taking objectives, the higher your score. How do I score high on all of them? Is there a secret formula or playstyle? We want our players to keep player the same way they did before. A split-pusher should maximize the farm and objective points, while losing a bit on KDA and kill participation, since they missed fights. In the end, all playstyles are viable. To reach very high scores, you will have to stomp the opposition, and be very good in all categories: KDA, kill participation, life points, farming, vision, objectives. If that sounds too much, not neglecting some aspects while performing great on others will earn you high scores. Do losses count? Games are scored the exact same way regardless of the outcome. But since the two teams performances are compared, if you got stomped, you and your team would get low scores. On the contrary, if the game was close and could have been taken by both teams, you’ll have higher scores, especially if you were your team’s MVP. Are longer games rewarded more than short games? Games are scored in the same way regardless of duration. It can be compared to a race, where your position to the others is what matters, and the finish line comes randomly. If you did great in the early game, try to end it quickly or to maintain your level of performance (That is, play as good as possible in order to win). If you have a rough early game, or if you have a late game champion, brace yourself and play to the best of your ability hoping for good stats when a nexus gets destroyed. The opponent or my team surrendered, is my score affected? No, it is computed the same way as for a classical ending. What if there is a tie in a TFT ladder? Tie Breakers: 1. Damage dealt will be the primary tiebreaker. 2. Lowest average placement will be the secondary tiebreaker. 3. Fastest average game time will serve as the final tiebreaker.

Last updated on Sep 09, 2024


What is a Sidepot? Sidepots are exclusive prize pools available only to Gamercraft OP subscribers. By becoming an OP subscriber, you gain the opportunity to increase your winnings and gain access to bigger prize pools and exclusive content. What are the benefits of subscribing to Gamercraft OP? Subscribing to Gamercraft OP comes with several advantages, and one of them is access to Sidepots. These Sidepots offer additional prize money and rewards exclusive to OP subscribers. By participating in Sidepots, you have the chance to boost your winnings and compete for even more valuable prizes. Other benefits include: - OP Tournaments: OP subscribers can participate in special tournaments exclusively created for them. These tournaments often feature higher prize pools, unique rewards, and increased competition, providing an elevated gaming experience for our most dedicated subscribers. - Additional Perks: As an OP subscriber, you'll unlock additional perks such as exclusive in-game items, badges, avatars, or customizations that showcase your VIP status within the Gamercraft community. By subscribing to Gamercraft OP, you'll have access to all these benefits and more, making your gaming journey even more rewarding and enjoyable. How can I become an OP subscriber? To become an OP subscriber, simply navigate to the subscription section on the Gamercraft platform. There, you will find different subscription plans available for you to choose from. Select the plan that suits your preferences and subscribe to Gamercraft OP. Once you're an OP subscriber, you'll unlock access to Sidepots and other exclusive features. Are Sidepots available for all games on Gamercraft? For now Sidepots are only available in League of Legends, but we are working hard to bring it across various games featured on the Gamercraft platform. Whether you're competing in League of Legends, Teamfight Tactics (TFT), VALORANT, or other supported games, OP subscribers will take advantage of the Sidepots and maximize their potential winnings. How to participate in Sidepots as an OP subscriber? To participate in Sidepots as an OP subscriber, follow these simple steps: - Join Tournaments: Choose the tournaments you want to participate in on the Gamercraft platform. - Use Entry Tokens or Cash: Make sure to enter tournaments using entry tokens or cash as an OP subscriber. Sidepots are only available for participants using these methods. If you use credits, you won't be eligible for Sidepots. - Read Our Sidepot Modes Article: For more details on Sidepots and different participation modes, refer to our dedicated article. It provides valuable information to enhance your understanding and improve your chances of winning. By following these steps, you can easily join Sidepots as an OP subscriber and compete for exclusive prizes. For more information, check out our Sidepot modes article.

Last updated on Sep 09, 2024

Sidepot Modes

Highroller: Your board value must be the highest. Synergy Master: You need to build and maintain the highest number of synergies within your team composition. Gold Hoarder: The amount of gold you have left over at the end of the game. Powerleveler: You need to reach the highest power level (have most 3 start or gold units) Ward Destroyer: Destroy the highest number of enemy wards among all players in the game Epic Monster Hunter: Secure the highest number of Rift Herald Dragon and Baron kills in the game (Without Smite) Survivalist: Least number of deaths in the game Demolitioner: Destroy the most enemy turrets & Inhibitors during the match Fortune Maker: Highest amount of Gold earned kpmvp: Achieve the highest number of assists / kill participation Ironclad: Show your resilience by taking the highest ratio of damage to deaths during a match. Headshot Specialist: Get the highest number of headshot kills among all players Bomb Defuser: Successfully defuse the bomb the most number of times Plant Master: Plant the spike (bomb) the most number of times Money Specialist: Have the highest Econ rating Clean Work: Having the least rounds lost to enemy team Clutch Master: Number of clutch round wins (being the last player alive on your team and winning the round) Weapon Master: Most # of Kills on a specific weapon (Specific weapon changes every week) Tick Tock: Defuse the bomb with the least time remaining xRayer: Most # of kills through objects resulting in a wallbang (Walls Boxes etc)

Last updated on Dec 15, 2023