Gamercraft - Transparency in Dollar Conversion Rates
At Gamercraft, we value transparency and want to ensure our community understands how we handle dollar conversion rates when sending money to different countries.
Below are the current conversion rates from USD to the corresponding currencies for various countries.
These rates are subject to change based on market fluctuations, and we strive to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information.
Conversion Rates
Brazil - 1 USD = 5.20 BRL
Poland - 1 USD = 3.5 PLN
European Union - 1 USD = 0.88 EUR
Peru - 1 USD = 3.50 PEN
Mexico - 1 USD = 16.00 MXN
Egypt - 1 USD = 30.00 EGP
Venezuela - 1 USD = 30 VES
Turkey - 1 USD = 27.50 TRY
Colombia - 1 USD = 3700 COP
Switzerland - 1 USD = 0.85 CHF
United Kingdom - 1 USD = 0.75 GBP
Denmark - 1 USD = 6.5 DKK
Argentina - 1 USD = 800 ARS
Chile - 1 USD = 800 CLP
Romania - 1 USD = 4 RON
Understanding Conversion Rates
Market Variations: Conversion rates can vary slightly depending on the payment processing service and the prevailing market rates at the time of transaction.
Competitive Rates: We aim to use competitive rates to ensure that you receive fair value for your money.
How We Handle Currency Conversion
Requesting Payout: When you request a payout, we convert the amount from USD to your local currency using the informed rate.
Transfer: The converted amount is then transferred to your account.
Why Transparency Matters
Trust and Transparency: We believe in maintaining trust and transparency with our community.
Informed Decisions: By providing clear information about our conversion rates, we help you make informed decisions about your finances.
Keeping You Updated
Regular Reviews: We regularly review and update our conversion rates to reflect market conditions.
Prompt Communication: Any significant changes in rates will be communicated to you promptly.
We are committed to providing you with the best possible service and ensuring transparency in all our transactions.